Control more than 2 DC motors with NodeMCU

How can you control more than 2 DC motors with NodeMCU?

This article serves to help you understand how to control more than 2 DC motors with a NodeMCU.


In this blog article, we will be discussing how you can control more than one DC motor with a NodeMCU. We will go over the hardware needed and the code necessary to get this up and running. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to control multiple DC motors with your NodeMCU!

Purpose of this Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will be discussing how to control more than one DC motor using the NodeMCU ESP8266 board. We will learn how to connect multiple motors to the NodeMCU and control them using a simple web interface.

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use NodeMCU to control more than one DC motor. We will also use a sensor to detect the position of the motors and feedback that information to the NodeMCU.

What is a DC motor?

A DC motor is an electric motor that converts direct current electrical energy into mechanical energy. The most common type of DC motor is the brushed DC motor, which uses brushes to transfer electrical energy to the rotor. Other types of DC motors include brushless DC motors and stepper motors.

Advantages of a DC motor over an AC motor

1. DC motors are more efficient than AC motors.
2. DC motors have a higher power density than AC motors.
3. DC motors are more rugged and durable than AC motors.
4. DC motors can be directly connected to batteries, making them ideal for portable applications.
5. DC motors can be controlled with a wider range of electronic speed controllers (ESCs), making them easier to control than AC motors.

How can we control the DC motors with NodeMCU?

There are a few ways to control more than one DC motor with a NodeMCU. One way would be to use an external motor driver, like the L293D. This would allow you to control up to 4 motors with 2 pins on the NodeMCU. Another way would be to use an I2C based motor driver, like the PCA9685. This would allow for even more motors to be controlled, but would require more pins to be used on the NodeMCU.

We can use the NodeMCU to control up to four DC motors. There are two ways to do this:

1. Use the on-board GPIO pins:

NodeMCU has 12 GPIO pins that can be used to control DC motors. To use a GPIO pin, we first need to configure it as an output using the gpio.mode() function. We can then use the gpio.write() function to control the motor. For example, to turn on a motor connected to GPIO pin D1, we would use the following code:

 gpio.mode(1, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.write(1, gpio.HIGH)  

2. Use an external H-bridge:

An H-bridge is a circuit that allows us to control a DC motor in both directions. We can use an H-bridge with the NodeMCU by connecting it to the I2C bus. The I2C bus is a two-wire interface that allows us to connect devices together and exchange data between them. To use an H-bridge with the NodeMCU, we first need to install the i2c library using the LuaLoader tool.

NodeMCU is a very popular microcontroller board that is based on the ESP8266 chip. It has a built-in WiFi module and can be easily programmed using the Arduino IDE.

One of the most common questions that we get asked is how to control more than one DC motor with NodeMCU. The answer is actually quite simple, but there are a few things that you need to take into account.

In this article, we will show you how to control up to four DC motors with NodeMCU. We will also give you some tips on how to choose the right power supply for your application.

The first thing that you need to do is select a PWM pin on the NodeMCU board. The D1, D2, D3 and D8 pins can all be used for PWM output. For this example, we will use the D1 pin.

Next, you need to connect the positive lead of your DC motor to the selected PWM pin and the negative lead to one of the GND pins on NodeMCU. Repeat this for each DC motor that you want to control.

DC motors are the most commonly used type of motor in many applications. They are simple and rugged, and can be controlled with a variety of techniques. One way to control DC motors is with a technique called Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). PWM is a method of varying the width of pulses sent to the motor to control its speed. Nodemcu can generate PWM signals on all of its digital pins.

To use PWM to control a DC motor, you’ll need to connect the motor to one of NodeMCU’s digital pins. Then, you can use the analogWrite() function to send PWM signals to the motor. The following code will set the duty cycle of the PWM signal sent to pin D1 to 50%. This will cause the motor connected to D1 to run at half speed:

 analogWrite(D1, 50);  

You can experiment with different values for the duty cycle to see how it affects the motor’s speed. You can also use PWM to control the direction of a DC motor. To do this, you’ll need two digital pins – one for each direction.

There are a few ways to control DC motors with a NodeMCU. The first way is to use a transistor. Transistors are used to amplify the current. So, by using a transistor, we can increase the amount of current that flows through the motor. This will make the motor spin faster.

The second way to control a DC motor with a NodeMCU is to use a Motor Driver IC. This is a special type of IC that is designed to control motors. It will take the signals from the NodeMCU and convert them into signals that the motor can understand.

The third way to control a DC motor with a NodeMCU is to use PWM. PWM stands for Pulse Width Modulation. By using PWM, we can control the amount of time that the current flows through the motor. This will allow us to control the speed of the motor.


There are a few ways to control more than 2 DC motors with a NodeMCU. One way is to use an H-bridge, which will allow you to control the direction and speed of the motors. Another way is to use a motor driver, which will provide power to the motors and allow you to control their speed. whichever method you choose, make sure you have enough power supply to support the number of motors you want to control.

You can control more than 2 DC motors with NodeMCU by using a motor driver. A motor driver is a device that takes in commands from a microcontroller and translates them into signals that the motors can understand. This allows you to control multiple motors with ease, without having to worry about overloading the microcontroller.

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